Monday, August 31, 2009

Blogging Alliances

I have just finished reading a very good post on about several bloggers getting together and forming an alliance. That is the online worlds version of a street gang, they are working together and promoting each others blogs and the group as a whole. I have been around the blogosphere for under a year, but I had already noticed how certain blogs appeared to work with each other. They do a good job of not being to obvious at what they are doing, but if you hang around then you will start to notice little things about how certain blogs seem almost clickish in how they talk and promote each other. There is nothing wrong with what they are doing, in fact it's good business and more bloggers need to get together and form their own alliances. If done correctly it would benefit the whole group and help each blog and blogger to grow and profit from it. I will come right out and say that I'm all ears if someone has any ideas on an alliance!

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